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Recent Projects


Created so that cars can find more comfortable and safe parking spaces. SwiftUI and Mapkit used

To-Do List

An indispensable app for reminding the things to do every day. SwiftUI used


Guess your chosen number in a challenging and addictive mobile game that tests your logical thinking skills. Used React-Native


A goal-tracking mobile app that empowers you to write, achieve, and mark off your goals with ease. React-Native used

Crypto Banking App

Built a mobile application for Cryptocurrencies. Integrated a real-time line chart, news and statistics section to the app. Used SwiftUI

Sightseeing Guide

Created a mobile application to discover touristic places. Used SwiftUI and MapKit

SpaceX Replica

Developed a website that replicates the SpaceX website. Used JavaScript, HTML and CSS technologies

© 2023 Huseyn Abishov